Funiture nih di design oleh sebuah company berpengkalan di New York, US, dikenali sbg Resource Furniture. Idea mereka tentang funiture yg space efficiency mmg benar2 memikat hati. IKEA, tolong la jual bende something like this!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Why talented people leave companies?
I'm not a boss yet myself, but this is kinda true. From the perspective of an employee at least.
Read on....
Largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization.
Why do talented employees leave companies? Come to think of it. This is almost 100% true. Read below & find out the answer.
Early this year, Arun, an old friend who is a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer.
He had heard a lot about the CEO of this company, a charismatic man often quoted in the business press for his visionary attitude.
The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office, the very best technology, even a canteen that served superb food.
Twice Arun was sent abroad for training. "My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been," he said soon after he joined. "It's a real high working with such cutting edge technology."
Last week, less than eight months after he joined, Arun walked out of the job. He has no other offer in hand but he said he couldn't take it anymore.
Nor, apparently, could several other people in his department who have also quit recently. The CEO is distressed about the high employee turnover.
He's distressed about the money he's spent in training them. He's distressed because he can't figure out what happened. Why did this talented employee leave despite a top salary? Arun quit for the same reason that drives many good people away. The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization.
The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called "First, Break All The Rules."
It came up with this surprising finding: If you're losing good people, look to their immediate supervisor. More than any other single reason, he is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he's the reason why they quit, taking their knowledge, experience and contacts with them. Often, straight to the competition.
"People leave managers not companies," write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. "So much money has been thrown at the challenge of keeping good people - in the form of better pay, better perks and better training - when, in the end, turnover is mostly a manager issue." If you have a turnover problem, look first to your managers. Are they driving people away?
Beyond a point, an employee's primary need has less to do with money, and more to do with how he's treated and how valued he feels. Much of this depends directly on the immediate manager. And yet, bad bosses seem to happen to good people everywhere. A Fortune magazine survey some years ago found that nearly 75 per cent of employees have suffered at the hands of difficult superiors. You can leave one job to find - you guessed it, another wolf in a pin-stripe suit in the next one.
Of all the workplace stressors, a bad boss is possibly the worst, directly impacting the emotional health and productivity of employees.
Here are some all-too common tales from the battlefield:
Dev, an engineer, still shudders as he recalls the almost daily firings his boss subjected him to, usually in front of his subordinates. His boss emasculated him with personal, insulting remarks. In the face of such rage, Dev completely lost the courage to speak up. But when he reached home depressed, he poured himself a few drinks, and magically, became as abusive as the boss himself. Only, it would come out on his wife and children. Not only was his work life in the doldrums, his marriage began cracking up too.
Another employee Rajat recalls the Chinese torture his boss put him through after a minor disagreement. He cut him off completely. He bypassed him in any decision that needed to be taken. "He stopped sending me any papers or files," says Rajat. "It was humiliating sitting at an empty table. I knew nothing and no one told me anything." Unable to bear this corporate Siberia, he finally quit.
HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find public humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave, but a thought has been planted. The second time, that thought gets strengthened.
The third time, he starts looking for another job.
When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial information. Dev says: "If you work for a j erk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don't have your heart and soul in the job."
Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious, too pushy, too critical, too nit-picky.
But they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents.
When this goes on too long, an employee will quit -often over seemingly trivial issue. It isn't the 100th blow that knocks a good man down. It's the 99 that went before. And while it's true that people leave jobs for all kinds of reasons - for better opportunities or for circumstantial reasons, many who leave would have stayed - had it not been for one man constantly telling them, as Arun's boss did: "You are dispensable. I can find dozens like you.
While it seems like there are plenty ! of other fish especially in today's waters, consider for a moment the cost of losing a talented employee.
There's the cost of finding a replacement. The cost of training the replacement. The cost of not having someone to do the job in the meantime.
The loss of clients and contacts the person had with the industry. The loss of morale in co-workers. The loss of trade secrets this person may now share with others.
Plus, of course, the loss of the company's reputation. Every person who leaves a corporation then becomes its ambassador, for better or for worse.
We all know of large IT companies that people would love to join and large television companies few want to go near. In both cases, former employees have left to tell their tales.
"Any company trying to compete must figure out a way to engage the mind of every employee," Jack Welch of GE once said. Much of a company's value lies "between the ears of its employees". If it's! bleeding talent, it's bleeding value. Unfortunately, many senior executives busy traveling the world, signing new deals and developing a vision for the company, have little idea of what may be going on at home.
That deep within an organization that otherwise does all the right things, one man could be driving its best people away.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Don't marry a lazy man!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tragedi Bazaar Ramadhan Jasin
Insaf kejap...
Anyway, baca komen kt video tuh ade pulak org kate tragedi nih Allah turunkan bala pasal penjual dan pembeli terlampau taksub sgt berniaga smp mengabaikan solat, ibadah lain dan jugak erti Ramadhan yg sebenar. Nak lg extreme ade yg kate bazaar tuh supply daging tak halal. Isk..
Ishh mane le bole kite kate mcm tuh. Kalo nak diikutkan mcm mane kalo ade pembeli yg memang dah solat tp saje pegi nak beli juadah berbuka? Adakah hak kita nak menentukan mamat nih berdosa kerana pernah buat sekian2 dosa dan Allah turunkan bala ribut nih kerana dosa die yg tuh? Mane bole, tuh bukan hak kita, tuh hak mutlak Allah yg menentukan. Kita patutnye jgn sesuka hati aje judge mcm tuh, sebaik2nya apa aje bala/musibah atau ujian yg Allah turunkan kita amik iktibar utk diri sendiri, bukan utk org lain dan juga doakan utk mangsa semoga diorang tabah menghadapi dugaan ini. Iskk terasa mcm ustaz le plak.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ini baru original mandy
Gile betul Pak Arab nih. Tau le banyak duit.
Haa korang penah makan nasi mandy kt restoran Arab Al-Rawsha kt Jalan Ampang? Should try though. Especially sempena bulan puasa nih. Daging die lembut. Anyway, gambar dibawah, nasi mandy versi Pak Arab. LOL. Gile membazir btol Pak Arab nih. Tau le byk duit.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Wong Fei Hong
Agaknya tuh pasal la die tak suka praktikkan jurus tinju die yg paling dashyat, iaitu Tinju Mabuk pasal die kene minum arak dulu kot. Hahaha
Wong Fei Hung adalah seorang Ulama, Ahli Perubatan, dan Ahli Beladiri legendaris yang namanya ditetapkan sebagai Pahlawan Nasional China oleh pemerintah China. Namun Pemerintah China sering berupaya mengaburkan jatidiri Wong Fei Hung sebagai seorang muslim demi menjaga imej kekuasaan Komunis di China.
Wong Fei-Hung dilahirkan pada tahun 1847 di Kwantung (Guandong) dari keluarga muslim yang taat. Nama Fei pada Wong Fei Hung merupakan dialek Canton untuk menyebut nama Arab, Fais. Sementara Nama Hung juga merupakan dialek Kanton untuk menyebut nama Arab, Hussein. Jadi, bila di-bahasa-arab- kan, namanya ialah Faisal Hussein Wong.
Ayahnya, Wong Kay-Ying adalah seorang Ulama, dan tabib ahli ilmu penrubatan tradisional, serta ahli beladiri tradisional Tiongkok (wushu/kungfu). Ayahnya memiliki sebuah klinik perubatan bernama Po Chi Lam di Canton (ibukota Guandong). Wong Kay-Ying merupakan seorang ulama yang menguasai ilmu wushu tingkat tinggi. Ketinggian ilmu beladiri Wong Kay-Ying membuatnya dikenal sebagai salah satu dari Sepuluh Macan Kwantung. Posisi Macan Kwantung ini di kemudian hari diwariskannya kepada Wong Fei Hung.
Kombinasi antara pengetahuan ilmu perubatan tradisional dan teknik beladiri serta ditunjang oleh keluhuran budi pekerti sebagai Muslim membuat keluarga Wong sering turun tangan membantu orang-orang lemah dan tertindas pada masa itu. Karena itulah masyarakat Kwantung sangat menghormati dan mengidolakan Keluarga Wong.
Pesakit klinik keluarga Wong yang meminta bantuan perubatan umumnya berasal dari kalangan miskin yang tidak mampu membayar kos perubatan. Walau begitu, Keluarga Wong tetap membantu setiap pesakit yang datang dengan sungguh-sungguh. Keluarga Wong tidak pernah memilih bulu dalam membantu, tanpa memedulikan suku, ras, agama, semua dibantu tanpa pilih kasih. Secara rahsia, keluarga Wong terlibat aktif dalam gerakan bawah tanah melawan pemerintahan Dinasti Ch'in yang rasuah dan penindas. Dinasti Ch'in ialah Dinasti yang merubuhkan kekuasaan Dinasti Yuan yang memerintah sebelumnya. Dinasti Yuan ini dikenal sebagai satu-satunya Dinasti Kaisar Cina yang anggota keluarganya banyak yang memeluk agama Islam.
Wong Fei-Hung mula mengasah bakat beladirinya sejak berguru kepada Luk Ah-Choi yang juga pernah menjadi guru ayahnya. Luk Ah-Choi inilah yang kemudian mengajarnya dasar-dasar jurus Hung Gar yang membuat Fei Hung berjaya melahirkan Jurus Tendangan Tanpa Bayangan yang menjadi lagenda. Dasar-dasar jurus Hung Gar ditemukan, dikembangkan dan merupakan andalan dari Hung Hei-Kwun, abang seperguruan Luk Ah-Choi. Hung Hei-Kwun adalah seorang pendekar Shaolin yang terlepas dari peristiwa pembakaran dan pembantaian oleh pemerintahan Dinasti Ch'in pada 1734.
Hung Hei-Kwun ini adalah pemimpin pemberontakan bersejarah yang hampir mengalahkan dinasti penjajah Ch'in yang datang dari Manchuria (sekarang kita mengenalnya sebagai Korea ). Jika saja pemerintah Ch'in tidak meminta bantuan pasukan-pasukan bersenjata bangsa asing (Rusia, Inggris, Jepun), pemberontakan pimpinan Hung Hei-Kwun itu nescaya akan berjaya mengusir pendudukan Dinasti Ch'in.
Setelah berguru kepada Luk Ah-Choi, Wong Fei-Hung kemudian berguru pada ayahnya sendiri hingga pada awal usia 20-an tahun, ia telah menjadi ahli perubatan dan beladiri terkemuka. Bahkan ia berjaya mengembangkannya menjadi lebih maju. Kemampuan beladirinya semakin sulit ditandingi ketika ia berhasil membuat jurus baru yang sangat taktis namun efisien yang dinamakan Jurus Cakar Macan dan Jurus Sembilan Pukulan Khusus. Selain dengan tangan kosong, Wong Fei-Hung juga mahir menggunakan bermacam-macam senjata. Masyarakat Canton pernah menyaksikan langsung dengan mata kepala mereka sendiri bagaimana ia seorang diri dengan hanya memegang tongkat berjaya menewaskan lebih dari 30 orang jagoan pelabuhan berbadan kekar dan kejam di Canton yang mengeroyoknya karana ia membela rakyat miskin yang akan mereka peras.
Dalam kehidupan keluarga, Allah banyak mengujinya dengan berbagai cobaan. Seorang anaknya terbunuh dalam suatu insiden perkelahian dengan mafia Canton . Wong Fei-Hung tiga kali menikah karena isteri-isterinya meninggal dalam usia pendek. Setelah isteri ketiganya meninggal, Wong Fei-Hung memutuskan untuk hidup sendiri sampai kemudian ia bertemu dengan Mok Gwai Lan, seorang perempuan muda yang kebetulan juga ahli beladiri. Mok Gwai Lan ini kemudian menjadi pasangan hidupnya hingga akhir hayat. Mok Gwai Lan turut mengajar beladiri pada kelas khusus perempuan di perguruan suaminya.
Pada 1924 Wong Fei-Hung meninggal dalam usia 77 tahun. Masyarakat Cina, khususnya di Kwantung dan Canton mengenangnya sebagai pahlawan pembela kaum mustad'afin (tertindas) yang tidak pernah gentar membela kehormatan mereka. Siapapun dan berapapun jumlah orang yang menindas orang miskin, akan dilawannya dengan segenap kekuatan dan keberanian yang dimilikinya.Wong Fei-Hung meninggal dengan meninggalkan nama harum yang membuatnya dikenal sebagai manusia yang hidup mulia, salah satu pilihan hidup yang diberikan Allah kepada seorang muslim selain mati Syahid. Semoga segala amal ibadahnya diterima di sisi Allah Swt dan semoga segala kebaikannya menjadi teladan bagi kita, generasi muslim yang hidup setelahnya. Amiin.
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